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NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SIT & SUSS: Complete Guide For Local University Courses Fees And How Much Starting Salary You Will Earn As A Fresh Graduate

Pursuing higher education in any part of the world would often come with significant tuition fees. In Singapore, depending on the school, duration, and type of courses, estimated total tuition fees for an undergraduate degree can range from $25,000 to $170,000.

While some of us pursue further education as a passion, others pursue a university degree as a form of investment to ensure a good career. Regardless, not all degrees are equal, as the skills, knowledge, job market demand (and the commensurate salary) can vary from each course. Considering how much our tuition fees cost, some of us may be curious to know how much salary we can expect after graduation.

Here’s the estimated total cost of each university course and the corresponding gross median graduate starting salary.

Read Also: 2021 Cost Guide: Singapore Universities’ Tuition Fee Comparison

The following data tables are computed with data from the 2021 Graduate Employment Survey (GES) from the respective universities. Please note that:

  1. Gross median salary data is based on full-time permanently employed graduates with employee’s CPF contributions. Bonuses and other extra financial benefits are not included.
  2. Total Courses Fees are only an estimation based on typical course load. If a student takes a longer period to accumulate credits for graduation, the tuition fees will inevitably increase.
  3. Double Degree programmes are not included in the compilation.
  4. SUSS and SIT use total course fee instead of annualised course fees.
  5. SIT Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary is based on their 2020 report. The 2021 report was not available at the time of writing.
  6. NTU “Interdisciplinary double major**” refers to the following double majors: Economics and Psychology, Economics and Public Policy & Global Affairs, English Literature and Art History, Psychology and Linguistics & Multilingual Studies, Psychology and Media Analytics.
  7. Courses with “*” are based on a sample size of fewer than 30 respondents.

Read Also: Fresh Graduates: Here’s Why You Should Never Pay Your University Loans In Advance

NUS FY2022/2023 Estimated Courses Fees and Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary

NUS Courses Number Of Years Annual Cost Estimated Total Cost Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary
Bachelor of Arts 3 $8,200 $24,600 $3,200
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) 4 $8,200 $32,800 $3,650
Bachelor of Social Sciences 3 $8,200 $24,600 $3,600
Bachelor of Dentistry 4 $30,200 $120,800 $4,200
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,000
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,590
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,150
Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science)* 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,500
Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial and Systems Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,500
Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,900
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,800
Bachelor of Laws 4 $12,700 $50,800 $5,600
Bachelor of Science 3 $8,250 $24,800 $3,100
Bachelor of Science (Hons) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,528
Bachelor of Science (Computational Biology)* 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,500
Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy) 4 $9,100 $36,400 $3,915
Bachelor of Science (Data Science and Analytics)* 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,800
Bachelor of Business Administration* 3 $9,650 $28,950 $3,700
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) 4 $9,650 $38,600 $4,347
Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy)* 3 $9,650 $28,950 $3,500
Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) (Hons) 4 $9,650 $38,600 $3,500
Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $6,000
Bachelor of Computing (Information Security)* 4 $8,250 $33,000 $5,400
Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $5,400
Bachelor of Science (Business
4 $8,250 $33,000 $5,000
Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) 4 $8,900 $35,600 $4,000
Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Design)* 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,825
Bachelor of Science (Project and Facilities Management) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,200
Bachelor of Science (Real Estate) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,700
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 5 $30,200 $151,000 $5,250
Bachelor of Science (Nursing) 3 $8,950 $26,850 $3,500
Bachelor of Science (Nursing) (Hons) 4 $8,950 $35,800 $3,600
Bachelor of Music 3 $14,700 $44,100 $3,275
Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Yale-NUS) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,890
Bachelor of Science with Honours* (Yale-NUS) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $5,350
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $5,000
Bachelor of Environmental Studies 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,250

Sources: NUS Annualised Course Fees, 2021 NUS GES

NTU FY2022/2023 Estimated Courses Fees and Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary

NTU Courses Number Of Years Annual Cost Estimated Total Cost Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary
Accountancy 3 $9,450 $28,400 $3,000
Accountancy and Business 3 $9,450 $28,400 $4,500
Business 3 $9,450 $28,400 $4,000
Aerospace Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,471
Bioengineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,740
Civil Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Computer Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,500
Computer Science 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,800
Electrical and Electronic Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,000
Environmental Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Information Engineering and Media 4 $8,250 $33,000 $4,200
Maritime Studies 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Materials Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,650
Mechanical Engineering 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,850
Art, Design and Media 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,300
Chinese 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,300
Communication Studies 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Economics 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,797
English 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,450
History 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,650
Inter-Disciplinary Double Major** 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,650
Linguistics and Multilingual Studies 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,300
Philosophy 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,650
Psychology 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,350
Public Policy and Global Affairs 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,840
Sociology 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Biological Sciences 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,500
Biomedical Sciences and Chinese Medicine 5 $8,250 $41,250 $3,100
Chemistry and Biological Chemistry 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,245
Environmental Earth Systems Sciences* 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,550
Mathematical Sciences 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,806
Mathematics and Economics 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,806
Physics and Applied Physics 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,600
Sports Science and Management 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,300
Arts (with Education) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,780
Science (with Education) 4 $8,250 $33,000 $3,904
Medicine 5 $35,000 $175,000 $5,500

Sources: NTU Annualised Course Fees, NTU Courses Duration, 2021 NTU GES

SMU FY2022/2023 Estimated Courses Fees and Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary

SMU Courses Number Of Years Annual Cost Estimated Total Cost Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary
Accountancy 4 $11,500 $46,000 $3,400
Accountancy (Cum Laude and above) 4 $11,500 $46,000 $3,850
Business Management 4 $11,500 $46,000 $4,000
Business Management (Cum Laude and above) 4 $11,500 $46,000 $4,480
Economics 4 $11,500 $46,000 $4,435
Economics (Cum Laude and above) 4 $11,500 $46,000 $4,900
Information Systems 4 $11,500 $46,000 $4,906
Information Systems (Cum Laude and above) 4 $11,500 $46,000 $5,350
Social Sciences 4 $11,500 $46,000 $3,600
Social Sciences (Cum Laude and above) 4 $11,500 $46,000 $3,510
Law 4 $12,700 $50,800 $4,588
Law (Cum Laude and above) 4 $12,700 $50,800 $5,800

Sources: SMU Annualised Course Fees, 2021 SMU GES

SUTD FY2020/2021 Estimated Courses Fees and Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary

 SUTD Courses Number Of Years Annual Cost Estimated Total Cost Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary
Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Product Development) 4 $13,500 $54,000 $4,000
Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Systems and Design) 4 $13,500 $54,000 $4,700
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Design) 4 $13,500 $54,000 $4,800
Bachelor of Science (Architecture
and Sustainable Design)
4 $13,500 $54,000 $3,875

Sources: SUTD Annualised Course Fees, 2021 SUTD GES

SUSS FY2022/2023 Estimated Courses Fees and Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary

 SUSS Courses Number Of Years Estimated Total Cost Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education* 4 $30,000 $3,000
Bachelor of Human Resource


4 $30,000 $3,200
Bachelor of Social Work 4 $30,000 $3,530
Bachelor of Accountancy 4 $33,640 $3,200
Bachelor of Business Analytics 4 $30,000 $3,800
Bachelor of Science in Finance* 4 $30,000 $3,500
Bachelor of Science in Marketing 4 $30,000 $3,275
Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management* 4 $30,000 $3,300

 Sources: SUSS Course Fees, 2021 SUSS GES

SIT FY2022/2023 Estimated Courses Fees and Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary

 SIT Courses Number Of Years Estimated Total Cost Monthly Gross Median Starting Salary
Bachelor of Arts in Game Design * (DigiPen Institute of Technology) 3-year 8-month $43,079 $3,500
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Art and Animation (DigiPen Institute of Technology) 3-year 8-month $43,080 $2,887
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Game Design *(DigiPen Institute of Technology) 3-year 8-month $43,080 $4,000
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation (DigiPen Institute of Technology) 3-year 8-month $43,080 $4,200
Bachelor of Accountancy with Honours 3-year 4-month $27,720 $3,000
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information & Communications Technology (Information Security) 3-year 8-month $30,000 $4,300
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information & Communications Technology (Software Engineering) 3-year 8-month $30,000 $4,000
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Pharmaceutical Engineering 3-year 4-month $30,000 $4,000
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services) 3-year 4-month $22,500 $3,800
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land) 3-year 4-month $22,500 $4,105
Bachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours 3-year $27,720 $3,000
Bachelor of Engineering in Systems
Engineering (ElectroMechanical Systems) * (SIT-DigiPen Institute of Technology)
3-year 8-month $43,080 $4,185

Sources: SIT Course Fees, 2020 SIT GES

Please note that this guide only compiles local university courses. Other overseas university programmes from SIT are not included apart from DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore. For more information do visit SIT courses website and SIT’s GES.

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Popular Or Prestigious Courses Doesn’t Always Lead To Higher Starting Salaries

It is important to take into consideration all factors when choosing a course to study. Certain courses are relatively more expensive and prestigious than the rest, but they do not immediately translate to a higher starting pay.

Based on NUS 2021 GES survey, taking up Bachelor of Dentistry with a total 4-years tuition fee of $120,800 may not translate to higher starting pay in comparison to spending $33,000 for a 4-years Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science.

Another interesting bit of information that we gleaned from the salary report was that the NUS Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree, which might receive disapproval from the more traditional folks, has a median starting salary of $3,650. This is $220 more than the traditionally popular NUS Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) (Hons), which pays a median starting salary of $3,430 and costs $5,800 more in school fees.

Regardless, we should be careful to jump to conclusions about courses without considering the full picture of our desired career pathway. Professionally accredited degrees such as dentistry and accountants are prized due to the demand for their unique expertise.

Read Also: 7 High-Paying Jobs In Singapore That Don’t Require A Degree

Focusing solely on the starting pay would be myopic. Having a good career is not only dependent on being able to command a high starting pay. There are many factors to take into consideration such as personal interest, growth of the industry, and career growth pathway.

For the rest of us that have since graduated, our degree does not set our career pathway in stone. Based on a 2019 YouGov research, as much as 53% of Singaporeans work in a job unrelated to their degrees. Education is a life-long journey, and the learning process should not end with our degree.

Read Also: Guide To Education Financial Aid In Singapore

This article was first published on 14 April 2021 and updated with the latest information

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